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Real Estate Agency, Nine Hacks To Perform On Google Ads

As we saw earlier, advertising via Google Ads is a great way to generate new leads and land mandates for a real estate agency. Nine hacks to put in place on your Google Ads account as soon as possible to dislodge the competition and boost your sales.

Choose The Right Google Ads Campaign Objective

Before optimizing your Google Ads campaigns, ensure your account is set up correctly. For example, choose Expert mode over Express mode, and you will get better results. When choosing the campaign objective, Google Ads offers you different options to determine what happens next. So, choose the purpose “leads” or “sales” rather than “traffic on the site.” Thus, you target an audience ready to convert more than the curious in the complete reflection! Aim straight for the goal. If you want the ad for your real estate agency to appear on the search network and the display network, be sure to create two separate ad groups to compartmentalize performance. This also applies to other sites, such as Discover or YouTube.

Target Your Google Ads By Zip Code

Location is generally a decisive criterion for a real estate agency or an independent agent. Prefer the creation of Google Ads campaigns by neighborhood, zone, or city to optimize the targeting of your audience. If you’re only working locally, set your parameter and target accordingly. If you work within a network of real estate agencies, distribute the campaigns by territory, according to the agencies.

Enrich Your Ads With Ad Extensions

Ad extensions are beneficial for all sectors and real estate. They allow you to enrich your ads with crucial information, encouraging visitors to click. You can, for example, add: 

  1. Site extensions are site links that complete your landing page, providing information on a specific point. This can be, for example, an online estimation tool or new projects in progress. Site extensions generally generate significant clicks, sometimes more than the ad.
  2. Teaser extensions: they also make it possible to enrich the ad, but this time, in non-clickable text, which completes the description. You can, for example, position your reinsurance elements there.
  3. Call extensions allow you to add a phone number to the Google Ads ad to be contacted directly.

There are many Google Ads extensions. Feel free to test different options to identify which ones generate the most performance.

Write Punchy Ads

It seems obvious. However, many advertisers spend their budget unnecessarily by broadcasting ads that lack enthusiasm. Keep it short and precise. You’ll get much better results. Also, remember to decline different versions of your ad depending on the targeted target and the expected action. Your speech is probably different between a client who wants his house and one looking for an apartment. Well, find these nuances in the writing of your ads.

Suggest A Landing Page Related To Your Ad

On click, your future lead lands on the landing page. It must offer an argument and a design in phase with the announcement so that the user finds his way around and continues his ascent of the conversion funnel. It is also advisable to have several versions to best meet your different targets’ expectations. Either way, don’t make the rookie mistake of linking to your homepage. It’s the wrong way to spend your advertising budget on Google Ads. For an effective landing page :

  1. Optimize the structure by block, from most important to least important
  2. Place key arguments above the fold line
  3. Offer impactful titles and subtitles. These are often the only content read.
  4. Integrate prominent reinsurance elements on the page
  5. Add your call to action, at most two different ones, so as not to lose the user
  6. Display customer reviews prominently to increase trust
  7. Remember your contact information!
  8. Make sure you find on the page all the information you would like to have if you were in your target’s shoes.

Bid On Your Brand Name

It’s well-spent money, even if your is well-referenced on Google. Bidding on your brand name is an excellent way to get to the top of the results page on the engines when a prospect – already hot since he includes your brand in his query – is looking for you. By positioning yourself, you establish your presence, reinforce your notoriety and occupy the space. Bonus, the CPC is usually much lower than other keywords! If you leave this spot vacant, one of your competitors will likely slip in to grab the lead for you!

Activate Remarketing Campaigns

Remarketing consists of retargeting Internet users who have already visited your site. As we know, real estate sales cycles can be quite long. It is, therefore, beneficial to maintain the link with your potential prospect. By activating remarketing campaigns, you make your target remember you and think about your brand when the time comes. It’s also an excellent technique for expanding your audience base, for example, by targeting profiles similar to those who have already recorded conversions or retargeting customers on your floor.

Adjust Your Campaigns Continuously

Launching advertising campaigns is good; optimizing them is better! To do this, you must monitor your performance and analyze the metrics Google Ads provides. This analysis will help you identify blocking points, adapt your bidding strategy, or, even better, use your advertising budget by reducing the cost per click.

Multiply Your Forces On Other Advertising Networks

Now that you have all that work, you can think even more significantly and use it on other networks. Indeed, a good part of your advertising strategy can be adapted to Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, or TikTok Ads thanks to the existing synergies between these levers. Thanks to the different areas of expertise, the work can be pooled and thus optimize your results without increasing campaign management costs.

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