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The New E-Commerce Trends 2022

Never before has there been such rapid and exponential growth in web commerce as in recent years, and, according to experts’ estimates, this trend will only increase further. It, therefore, becomes essential to stay updated on the new 2022 e-commerce trends to remain competitive in the market. Only by foreseeing the possible future scenarios is it possible to study ad hoc strategies to intercept the tastes and needs of the potential customers of your e-commerce. So let’s see what the new 2022 e-commerce trends are.

New E-Commerce Trends 2022

We have already had the opportunity to rattle off a large amount of data showing how Italians, also due to the numerous lockdowns, increasingly rely on the web to make their purchases, primarily through smartphones. It is a relatively new slice of the market and, as such, presents numerous commercial possibilities that can also be exploited by small companies—provided that they can predict future trends and intercept the tastes and needs of the millions of potential customers who surf the net every day. 

In recent months we have published several articles that have analyzed many of the points that we will touch on below. This article aims to put the pieces together to provide a comprehensive overview of the new 2022 e-commerce trends. 

Mobile Shopping

The first and most important thing to keep in mind concerns the transition from desktop to mobile. For some years now, users have preferred to browse through their smartphones, and this trend is constantly increasing numbers. Drawn up in 2021, mobile traffic has grown by 3% in just 3 months, from 21% to 24%, while PC traffic has halved, reaching 20%, compared to 40% in the previous quarter. 

In 2022, e-commerce will therefore have to equip themselves with a responsive mobile site or a PWA to be considered competitive on the web. An e-commerce site that does not offer an excellent experience to a user who browses from smartphone risks seeing sales collapse. 

User First

Much of the success of e-commerce depends on the user experience or user experience. This is primarily because Google “rewards” sites that offer a good user experience while “hiding” those that don’t. But the same users, in a world that offers infinite shopping possibilities such as the web, tend to prefer e-commerce sites that meet their needs. Therefore, the philosophy of modern e-commerce places the user and his browsing experience at the center of attention. 


The concept of the user first is closely linked to that of omnichannel. Managing your e-commerce with a multi-channel approach will be one of the critical points for 2022 to ensure an immersive and satisfying user experience. One of the newest and, at the same time, most appreciated aspects of online shopping is the possibility of getting in touch with the company through different channels, both online and offline. 

Scrolling through the shop and adding products to the cart from your PC, buying from your mobile phone, and picking up the goods in the store will soon become routine. Implementing an omnichannel strategy is undoubtedly the best way to increase and retain your customers.

Social Commerce

Remaining in the omnichannel perspective, social networks have also recently entered the world of e-commerce through a phenomenon that takes the name of social commerce. Social networks can represent a showcase that becomes important to exploit for a company. More and more people are looking for products, discovering new brands, and making their purchases directly through social networks. 

New Payment Methods 

A natural consequence of the increase in web purchases concerns the payment methods used. While cash payments are constantly decreasing, even for “live” transactions, payments with credit cards, Paypal, Satispay, etc., are growing and are accompanied by new payment methods. In this sense, the most recent innovations are represented by the installment payment applied to the web. The so-called Buy Now Pay Later. It allows buyers to purchase products and services and pay them in convenient monthly installments at zero interest.

New Ways To Shop Online

Finally, new and different ways of concluding purchases on the web are spreading. With the boom in intelligent personal assistants, such as Alexa, and smart speakers, such as Google Home, the trend to shop by voice has taken hold. We find catering among the sectors most affected by this innovation, including home delivery services, technology, and furniture. Purchases that use augmented and virtual reality systems are also increasingly popular. This technology becomes particularly useful to compensate for the lack of physicality of e-commerce, such as clothing and accessories. 

A concrete example is the Virtual Try-On technology, which is exploited by companies such as Ray-Ban and L’Oreal to allow their customers to try their products before buying them. The latest news then concerns the Livestream Shopping, or the possibility of making purchases during live streaming, often held in collaboration with influencers and streamers. By exploiting the notoriety and engagement that the latter can generate, many e-commerce companies have seen an increase in earnings and brand awareness, and the loyalty of their customers.


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