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Alexa: Here Are The Most Common Problems And How To Fix Them

Amazon’s voice assistant, Alexa, is the device that can control all amazon Echo speakers allowing you to perform many actions with voice commands. It is also possible to associate many intelligent devices to Echo devices controlled by Alexa to make our home domotic. Generally, the use of Alexa is simple and intuitive and does not present significant problems. But often, minor hitches of different kinds can happen. Here is a small guide to quickly solve the most common problems with this voice assistant.

What To Do When Alexa No Longer Understands Our Commands?

Amazon Echo devices generally have excellent listening skills, but even a voice assistant can make mistakes or not understand what we are asking. Typically when Alexa doesn’t understand what we’re asking, she’ll give us answers like, “I’m sorry, I don’t know,” “I’m not sure, ” “I’m sorry, I don’t know what to answer, ” and ” There was a problem. ” Often the solution to misunderstandings between Alexa and us is much simpler than we imagine.

The first thing to do is to ensure that the microphone is on by checking the ring or the light bar of the device: the red light indicates that the microphone is off. To turn it on, press the microphone button on the device. Once we have made sure that the microphone is on, we must rule out all other causes that could lead the device not to hear or understand our voice. For example, we may be too far from the Echo device, Alexa has excellent hearing, but we don’t overdo it with room-to-room requests.

Even if we are at a correct distance from the Echo, let’s make sure we formulate our requests by speaking clearly and not too fast. In short, let’s try not to make it complicated. Another reason Alexa may misunderstand or not hear our requests could be noises. For example, I noticed that with my Echo device placed under the T.V Alexa it has many difficulties hearing my voice if the T.V. volume is high. It would therefore be advisable to place the Echo device away from any noisy devices that could cover the sound of the voice.

Once we have ruled out all the causes that depend on us, the way we speak or the noises around the device, then it is perhaps the case to intervene on the device. The first thing to do is to check that your Echo device is charged and connected to the Internet and that there are no problems connecting. You may reset your Echo device to factory settings if there is no voice or connection problem.

What If Alexa Can’t Find Or Recognize Intelligent Devices?

Alexa is viable with many savvy gadgets for home robotization, yet sometimes, issues can happen in matching Alexa with brilliant home gadgets. So this is the way to take care of the most widely recognized issues connected with the relationship between the voice associate and the picked gadgets. The main thing to do, and it would be great to do it before buying, is to check that the gadget is viable with the Alexa framework. When we ensure this, we can continue with the gadget’s setup on the web.

The intelligent gadget should be designed online accurately by going to the Amazon Alexa page and finishing the setup. On the off chance that the Alexa application can’t recognize another gadget, restart it. If that is adequately not, you may likewise have to restart your Echo gadget. Assuming we identify issues, guarantee that the cell phone on which we have the Alexa application and the Echo gadget is associated with a similar WiFi organization.

On the off chance that it doesn’t work, the switch might require restarting. In any case, recollect that there can sometimes be issues with autonomous Alexa and Echo gadgets. In some cases, the outsider applications that deal with a few savvy gadgets and that connection point with Alexa might have issues or perhaps need refreshes, as happened some time back for the eWeLink shrewd home application.

When The Problem Is WiFi

The standard-issue is that the Echo experiences issues interfacing with the WiFi organization. If this somehow managed to occur, we would promptly see it as the Echo round L.E.D. becomes red to flag it. Whenever we have determined that these are not general issues on the phone line, we should continue with restarting the switch and the modem and, on the off chance that this is as yet adequately not, likewise the Echo gadget.

Another arrangement can ensure that the WiFi secret word entered on the Alexa application is the right one. It’s likewise helpful to guarantee your Echo gadget is inside the WiFi range. Assuming we observe that the Echo is excessively far from the switch, move it. It might likewise assist with lessening WiFi blockage by briefly closing down or detaching all gadgets associated with your home organization. Once more, if absolutely no part of this works, we’ll need to reset the Echo to manufacturing plant settings.

When Alexa Answers, Even If We Don’t Call Her

We know that all voice collaborators are exceptionally delicate to their names. They are enacted quickly when we say it, even in ordinary discussions, without the aim to request his administration. Frequently Alexa is enacted simply by saying a word that dubiously looks like her name di lei or, on the other hand, if she hears her name on T.V.

The main thing to do is to try not to hold the Echo gadget close to the T.V. or radio. Another choice could be to change the actuation word, for instance, from “Alexa” to “Colleague” or some other expression of our decision. Another choice is to press the “quiet” button while watching T.V. or pay attention to the radio.

Problems In Calls

One of the many things the Amazon assistant can do for us is to make calls. If you are having trouble calling via Alexa, the first thing to do is to check that your contact information is correct. If the address book has no problem, you should check the connection and make sure you pronounce the name of the contact you want to call, as we have recorded it in the address book. Again if we don’t fix it in any of these ways, you will have to restart your Echo device. After all, the classic turn off and on again works almost always and almost with everything.


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